Alicyclobacillus spp. Contamination Yeast, mold, and some lactic acid bacteria are common contaminants in fruit juice drink spoilage due to the relatively low pH. But history records that in 1984 there was a massive incident of spoilage of fruit juice in Germany, the...
Kontaminasi Alicyclobacillus spp Ragi, jamur, dan beberapa bakteri asam laktat merupakan kontaminan yang umum dalam faktor kerusakan minuman jus buah karena pH yang relatif rendah. Namun sejarah mencatat pada 1984 terdapat insiden pembusukan jus buah besar-besaran di...
The tropical climate, rapid climate change, and increased rainfall in November – December have resulted in populations of Aedes aegypti and Ae. albopictus increased, where the Indonesian mosquitoes themselves were dominated by Ae. aegypti and Culex...
Iklim tropis, perubahan iklim yang cepat, serta peningkatan curah hujan di November – Desember menyebabkan populasi nyamuk jenis Aedes aegypti dan Ae. albopictus meningkat, dimana nyamuk Indonesia sendiri didominasi oleh Ae. aegypti dan Culex quinquefasciatus...
Feed in Aquaculture Feed is one of the crucial factors in determining the success of aquaculture. For example, in the context of shrimp farming, around 60-70% of the total operational costs are allocated to feed procurement. The choice of type and quality of feed must...