Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) have been used as flame retardants in plastic and foam items within electrical and electronic equipment and motor vehicles. As part of the implementation of the Persistent Organic Pollutants Regulation (Regulation 850/2004/EC), the EU intends to set limit values for new substances added on Persistent Organic Pollutants (2009) for specific waste streams, which include waste electrical and electronic equipment, and end of life vehicles. EPA is concerned that certain PBDE congeners are persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic to humans and the environment. The critical endpoint of concern for human health is neurobehavioral effects.


How SIG can help

SIG laboratory with a high-resolution gas chromatography method based on mass spectrometry was developed for testing PBBs, PBDEs, and HBCDD


Method of Analysis

PBBs PBDEs and HBCDD Metode Analisis

The analysis for PBBs, PBDEs, and HBCDD is carried out using a GCMSMS. The GCMSMS is a very sensitive and high-resolution  instrument.

Library of Knowledge

Lab Uji Obat: Cara Menuju Obat Berkualitas dan Aman

Lab Uji Obat: Cara Menuju Obat Berkualitas dan Aman

Dalam dunia kesehatan, keamanan dan kualitas obat merupakan faktor yang sangat penting. Untuk memastikan hal tersebut, diperlukan adanya lab uji obat yang mampu memberikan jaminan bahwa obat yang dikonsumsi aman dan efektif. Salah satu penyedia jasa lab uji obat...

SIG Laboratory

Graha SIG, Jl Rasamala No. 20, Taman Yasmin, Bogor, Jawa Barat 16113.

Phone. +62 251 7532 348
WhatsApp. +62 82 111 516 516
Email. marketing-sig@saraswanti.com

SIG Jakarta

Jl. Percetakan Negara No. 52 B RT 006 / RW 001, Rawasari, Cempaka Putih, Jakarta Pusat 10570.

Phone. +62 21 2147 9292  

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Phone. +62 31 8253 1288
WhatsApp. +62 818 885 165
Email. marketing@sigsurabaya.com

SIG Semarang

Jl. Kanfer Raya Blok R No. 4 Pedalangan, Kec. Banyumanik, Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah 50268.

Phone. +62 24 7004 0541
WhatsApp. +62 812 9000 5165
Email. cs.sigsmg@saraswanti.com

SIG Medan

Jl. Bunga Asoka, Ruko Komp. Asoka Raya Residance No. 1, Medan Selayang, Sumatera Utara 20133,

WhatsApp. +62 822 7207 9665
Email. salesmedan.sig@saraswanti.com

SIG Yogyakarta

WhatsApp. +62 896 4856 9422
Email. arifin.sig@saraswanti.com

SIG Makassar

WhatsApp. +62 853 3843 9816
Email. anwar@sigsurabaya.com

Operational Hours

Monday to Friday
08.00 - 17.00 WIB.

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